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Inflight TV Showreel

North Sentinel Island, Do not enter!

North Sentinel Island: Betreten verboten! | Terra X. The people of the Sentinelese live completely isolated on an island in the Indian Ocean. It is forbidden to enter the island and contact the indigenous peoples to enable them to live their traditional lives. However, people who have nevertheless tried to get to the island have often been attacked by the Sentinelese in recent years and often killed. The same happened to the American missionary John Allan Chau, who in 2018 tried to proselytize the Sentinelese despite the prohibition. But how is it that in today's age of globalization, an island nation can live completely isolated from the rest of the world and defend against contact? We are dealing with this question in today's video.

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Inflight TV Showreel

North Sentinel Island, Do not enter!

North Sentinel Island: Betreten verboten! | Terra X. The people of the Sentinelese live completely isolated on an island in the Indian Ocean. It is forbidden to enter the island and contact the indigenous peoples to enable them to live their traditional lives. However, people who have nevertheless tried to get to the island have often been attacked by the Sentinelese in recent years and often killed. The same happened to the American missionary John Allan Chau, who in 2018 tried to proselytize the Sentinelese despite the prohibition. But how is it that in today's age of globalization, an island nation can live completely isolated from the rest of the world and defend against contact? We are dealing with this question in today's video.

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